iphone手机如何上外网 – European Test and Telemetry Conference
ettc2020 is THE European telemetry event in 2020 and will be held from 23 – 25 June 2020 online with the claim “Collaboration and innovation in testing”.
评论频道-中国青年网:2 天前 · 中国青年网评论频道,以青年的眼光观察世界,以世界的眼光观察青年,是青年观点的汇聚地,是青年意见的发声台。频道旨在培养具有独立思考精神和强烈社会责任感的青年,为广大青年群体提供一个发声、发光、发展的平台,用思想推动中国梦。
- Test, Telemetry, Telecontrol, Instrumentation and
- Recording technologies for industrial, automotive, scientific, aerospace, space, naval and military applications
The virtual platform will allow Product presentations, networking, conference participation, B2B Meetings and much more.
Visitors and Exhibitors Entrance: http://ettc2020.expo-ip.com/
Registration for Visitors: www.xing.com/events/2857526
Registration for Speakers. www.xing.com/events/2857526
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The exhibition and conference will be live an online, however it could be reviewed until 07.07.2020 offline.
Conference Agenda
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TUESDAY, 23. June 2020
08:30 – 09:00 h |
Exhibition opens |
09:00 – 09:30 h |
Exhibition is open |
Conference Opening 1. Renaud Urli (President EST): WELCOME ADDRESS. 2. Michael Niewöhner (VP EST): HOW DOES ALL THIS WORK? VIRTUAL ETTC 2020. |
09:30 – 10:00 h |
Session Moderation: Renaud Urli (Airbus Helicopters) |
Session Moderation: Philipp Wager (Airbus Defence & Space) |
JIAN SONG (Guangzhou Zoweetech Ltd): Distance Measurement for Intrusive Objects on Railway Tracks |
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LEANDER B. HÖRMANN (Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH - LCM): Evaluation of Energy Harvesting Devices for Industrial Applications |
OSCAR GIGATO (Airbus Defence & Space): Using Single Board Computers in FTI Console |
10:30 – 11:00 h |
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11:00 - 11:30 h |
MATTHIAS HOSS (iMAR Navigation GmbH): Innovative Inertial Measurement Data Acquisition and Processing for Aircraft Surveying up to Airborne Gravimetry |
GHISLAIN GUERRERO (Safran Data Systems SAS): A New Modular Electronics Approach Applied to Instrumentation Units |
11:30 – 12:00 h |
HANNES KURZ (sensideon GmbH): SAW Temperature Sensing for Automotive Test Bench Systems |
OPPO和vivo的“人民战争”:2021-9-1 · 华为把苹果打得透不过气。OPPO和vivo又给了乔布斯神话猛烈一击。这场智能手机世纪大战,卷入了全球所有高科技巨头,作为人类商业历史上最伟大的战争,其戏剧不断,高潮迭起:2021年第二季度的全球智能手机排行榜上,黑马杀出!Airbus Defence & Space): Sensors and Equipment MetaRepresentation in Flight Test Airbus Defence and Space |
12:00 – 12:30 h |
THOMAS KISSINGER (Cranfield University): Dynamic Measurement of Strain and Shape on a Rotating Helicopter Rotor Blade Using Optical Fibre Sensors |
PATRICK QUINN (Curtiss-Wright Avionics & Electronics): Addressing the Babel’s Tower of FTI Standards in a Network Environment |
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14:30 – 15:00 h |
Session Moderation: Pedro Rubio (Defence & Space) |
TIANXIANG LAN (TU Braunschweig): Machine-Learning-Based Position Error Estimation for Satellite-Based Localization Systems |
15:00 – 15:30 h |
GASPER SKVARC BOZIC (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik): Intelligent Space Wire Router with Multilevel Priority Arbitration and Multicast Packet Transmission |
15:30 – 16:00 h |
MUSTAFA UFELEK (Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc.): Real-Time Data Visualization in Telemetry Systems |
16:00 – 16:30 h |
Short Break |
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KAREN VON HÜNERBEIN (Lange Electronic GmbH): Simulation tools to assess the impact of Wind turbines on RADAR and other electromagnetic signals |
17:00 – 17:30 h |
DAVID N. KORTICK (AstroNova Inc.): The Latest in Telemetry Data Visualization Solutions |
17:30 – 18:00 h |
Exhibition closes at 18:00h |
WEDNESDAY, 24. June 2020
08:30 – 09:00 h |
Exhibition opens |
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Exhibition is open |
Session Moderation: Renaud Urli (Airbus Helicopters) |
iphone手机如何上外网 Pedro Rubio (Airbus Defence & Space) |
DILLI BABU MOHAN (Indian AirForce): Eye Gaze Tracking Applications in Aviation as Cockpit Sensor |
MIGUEL AREVALO NOGALES (Airbus Defence & Space): Beholder, automated data validation in Flight Test |
09:30 – 10:00 h |
CHRISTIAN HERBEPIN (Airbus Helicopters): Virtualization of avionic signals & digital buses on Ethernet |
FRANCISCA COLL HERRERO (Airbus Defence & space): BMAD Automatic detection of flight manoeuvres using walvets |
10:00 – 10:30 h |
SANTIAGO RAFAEL LOPEZ GORDO (Airbus Defence & Space): Vistas architecture implementation in a multi-system integration bench |
CHRISTOPH GEBHARDT (CADFEM GmbH): Virtual Sensors for Optimal Operation of a Hydro Power Plant |
10:30 – 11:00 h |
Short Break |
11:00 - 11:30 h |
QUENTIN DEMOULIN (Airbus Commerical): 评论频道-中国青年网:2 天前 · 中国青年网评论频道,以青年的眼光观察世界,以世界的眼光观察青年,是青年观点的汇聚地,是青年意见的发声台。频道旨在培养具有独立思考精神和强烈社会责任感的青年,为广大青年群体提供一个发声、发光、发展的平台,用思想推动中国梦。 |
RODRIGO LOPEZ PARRA (Airbus Defence & Space): Machine Learning assistant for aircraft acceptance |
11:30 – 12:00 h |
ISRAEL LOPEZ HERREROS (Airbus Defence & Space): Displays Validation Based on Image Processing |
GERHARD SPITZ (AXON-Systems GmbH): E-drive ready telemetry solutions - challenges, innovations, and solutions |
12:00 – 12:30 h |
RUSSEL MOORE (Curtiss-Wright Avionics & Electronics): Airborne FTI Camera Performance |
GONÇALO VALADAS (CriticalSoftware): Automated closed loop testing of cyber-physical systems |
12:30 – 14:30 h |
Lunch Break |
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Session Moderation: Robert Huber (Airbus Defence & Space) |
Session Moderation: Pedro Rubio (Airbus Defence & Space) |
VINCENT MARIE (NEXEYA France): BSS / BSC with Heterogeneous Sources |
DIEGO ROSES SANCHEZ (Airbus Defence & Space): Job Process Architecture Based On PostgreSQL Database |
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ALAIN THOMAS (SAFRAN DATA SYSTEMS): SOQPSK-TG STC: new decoding scheme for a higher bit rate and a better budget link |
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16:00 – 16:30 h |
Short Break |
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苹果手机全局代理软件 Protecting satellite downlink Tracking and Telemetry channels by means of IMT-2020 5G Base Stations Protection Belts surrounding Satellite TT&C Earth Stations operating in the 40 GHz Band |
17:00 – 17:30 h |
ACHILLES KOGIANTIS (Perspecta Labs): Cellular 4G LTE Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry Flight Test Results |
17:30 – 18:00 h |
Exhibition closes at 18:00h |
all times CET (UTC+2)
THURSDAY, 25. June 2020
08:30 – 09:00 h |
Exhibition opens |
9:00 – 12:30 h |
Exhibition is open |
12:30 – 13:30 h |
Lunch Break |
13:30 – 18:00 h |
Video Technology - Fundamentals & Interfaces
Video Compression – Principles
Examples of video acquisition scenarios in FTI applications
Advanced Video Topics - Low Latency, Bit Rate Reduction, Frame Rate, 4k/UHD, Scaling, Picture-in-Picture, ARINC818, …
16:30 – 18:00 h |
Exhibition closes at 18:00h |
all times CET (UTC+2)